Product : Cisco, HyperFlex [HCI]/4.0, x86
Feature : GPU Config, Components, Server Support
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
NVIDIA Tesla (HX240c only)
AMD FirePro (HX240c only)
The following NVIDIA GPU cards can be ordered along with the Cisco HX240c M4 / HXAF240c M4 models (maximum is 2 per node):
- NVIDIA Tesla M10
- NVIDIA Tesla M60

The following NVIDIA GPU cards can be ordered along with the Cisco HX240c M5 / HXAF240c M5 models (maximum is 2 per node):
- NVIDIA Tesla M10
- NVIDIA Tesla P40
- NVIDIA Tesla P100
- NVIDIA Tesla V100
- AMD FirePro S7150X2

NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU is optimal for HPC workloads.

NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU is optimal for AI/ML workloads.