Product : Microsoft, S2D [SDS]/2019, Datacenter
Feature : GUI Integration, Interfaces, Management
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
SCVMM 2016
Windows Admin Center (HCI only)
SCVMM 2016 provides wizards that allows you to configure and deploy both single-layer and dual-layer S2D clusters for use with Hyper-V.

The Create Hyper-V wizard allows deployment of S2D on hosts that already have Windows Server 2016 Datacenter installed as well as hosts that do not have an OS installed yet.

Also, from SCVMM S2D Storage QoS Policies can be configured.

Windows Admin Center provides centralized management for S2D clusters including provisioning as well as real-time monitoring and alerting.

Windows Admin Center is complementary to Windows Server and Windows 10 and as such does not require separate licenses.