Product : StorPool, StorPool [SDS]/19.01, x86
Feature : GUI Perf. Monitoring, Interfaces, Management
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
Real-time as well as historical data are available graphically, in a table format and through the REST-API interface. Data is available at different levels – aggregated for the storage cluster, per node, per client, per volume, per drive, per CPU. User defined queries and reports can be generated.

Some of the most important metrics are:
- CPU and memory - usage per service, node
- Per drive statstics - drive utilization, IOPS, bandwidth, busy/free time, ops latency, request size
- Per volume statistics - IOPS, bandwidth, latency, request size, queue size
- Network utilization - per node and per interface
- Per client load - CPU, memory, requests, latency, requests in flight, IOPS, bytes/sec
- Aggregated cluster metrics - IOPS, BW, latency, request in flight, used and available space