Product : VMware, vSAN [SDS]/7.0 U1, Enterprise
Feature : Container Orch. Compatibility, Containers, Workload Support
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
VCP: Kubernetes 1.6.5+ on ESXi 6.0+
CNS: Kubernetes 1.14+
vSAN 6.7 U3 introduced support for VMware Cloud Native Storage (CNS).

When Cloud Native Storage (CNS) is used, persistent storage for containerized stateful applications can be created that are capable of surviving restarts and outages. Stateful containers orchestrated by Kubernetes can leverage storage exposed by vSphere (vSAN, VMFS, NFS, vVols) while using standard Kubernetes volume, persistent volume, and dynamic provisioning primitives.

VCP = vSphere Cloud Provider
CSI = Container Storage Interface