Product : Red Hat, RHEV/3.6, RHEV
Feature : Virtual and Physical, General, Management
Content Owner:  Roman Macek
RHEV offers the choice to integrate with many LDAP servers (Microsoft Active Directory, Red Hat Directory Server, Red Hat Enterprise IPA, OpenLDAP, iPlanet Directory Server and more) with support for simple or Kerberos based authentication, centrally managed identity, single sign-on services, high availability directory services.
RHEV also provides complete solution for users/groups management using PostgreSQL database as a backend, which can be used in RHEV the same way users/groups from LDAP.
RHEV provides a range of pre-configured or default roles, from the Superuser or system administration of the platform, to an end user with permissions to access a single virtual machine only. Additional roles can be added and customized to suit the end user environment.