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Analysis expand by Bhagyashri (Shri) Bhagvat by Bhagyashri (Shri) Bhagvat Robert Spruill
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  • Fully Supported
  • Limitation
  • Not Supported
  • Information Only
  • + Strong Storage Capability with Additional Compute and Networking Functionality
  • + Vendor Maturity and Market-share
  • + Simple and Straightforward Editions
  • + Mature on-prem IaaS solution
  • + High-fidelity implementation of AWS APIs
  • + Proven at scale over years of operation
  • + Full-Fledged IaaS
  • + Mature Vendor
  • + Enterprise Solution
  • - Limited Capability
  • - Few Use Cases
  • - Temporary
  • - Recent acquisition concerns
  • - No administrative GUI
  • - Missing features beyond API compatability
  • - Complex
  • - Little PaaS Capability
  • - Heavily Dependent on Underlying Hardware
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The AWS Snowball Edge is a type of Snowball device with on-board storage and compute power for select AWS capabilities. (see details)
Integrated software stack with AWS-compatible IaaS services.
VMware Cloud Foundation is an integrated software stack which bundles VMware components (see details)
Snowball Edge was announced 2016 and builds on AWS which has been around since 2012
Based on the Eucalyptus code-base that has been in production for over a decade, powering installations beyond 200K cores in size.
VMware is a strong contender in the marketplace and VCF is comprised of components that have been tried and tested in the datacenter
Disconnected Offering
Must connect back to AWS platform for full functionality
Can be deployed in a disconnected environment
VMware Cloud Foundation can be deployed on premises as a stack for a private cloud
Infrastructure Services expand
Virtual servers
Virtual servers are called EC2 instances
Virtual servers are called cloud instances (equivalent to EC2 instances in AWS)
VMware Cloud Foundation bundles vSphere which includes the ESXi virtualization platform for creating and running virtual machines and virtual appliances
VM Type - General Purpose
The SBE1 EC2 instance is the general purpose offering
Virtual machine hardware can be configured to take full advantage of the underlying hosts hardware. A collection of instance types can be customized in terms of vCPUs, memory, and disk.
You can configure the virtual machine hardware to take advantage of the underlying hosts hardware
VM Type - Compute Optimized
The SBE-C EC2 instance is the compute optimized offering
Compute-optimized instance types can be customized by modifying the instance type
You can configure the virtual machine hardware to take advantage of the underlying hosts hardware. For compute optimized instances, you would increase the CPU resources
VM Type - Memory Optimized
There is no memory optimized offering
Memory-optimized instance types can be customized by modifying the instance type
You can configure the virtual machine hardware to take advantage of the underlying hosts hardware. For memory optimized instances, you would increase the memory resources
VM Type - Accelerated (GPU)
The SBE-G EC2 instance is the accelerated GPU offering
GPU instance types can be customized through advanced configuration only. No official documentation.
You can configure the virtual machine hardware to take advantage of the underlying hosts GPU hardware
Metadata URL
You get access to a subset of metadata typically available to EC2 instances through an internal URL
Metadata URL, featuring EC2-compatible information and thus compatible with cloud-init, is reachable from instances.
There is no built-in way to access this functionality. (see details)
Rapid Provisioning
You can specify the job and resources and Amazon will configure the device for you and ship it out to you
System components enable fast provisioning, particularly of EBS-backed instances.
You can easily deploy VMs using a wizard, template, or cloning another VM
Resize existing VM
Typically resize an instance using CLI modify-instance-attribute on instanceType attribute but Snowball Edge only allows you to modify userdata
EBS-backed instances can be resized after stopping by modifying InstanceType attribute via ModifyInstanceAttribute request (in CLI or Console).
You can easily resize an existing VM by changing its virtual hardware after creation such as CPU and memory
Resource Management
Resources such as EC2 instances cannot be managed through the console after the device is created and must instead be managed through the CLI/API adding a level of complexity
Resources can be managed from either the Console or CLI/API
Resources can be managed from either the vSphere Web Client or the vSphere Client
A cluster of 5-10 Snowball Edges can be created to offer increased durability and locally scale up or down storage on demand
AWS AutoScaling APIs are supported, with performance-based triggers for up- and down-scaling.
There is no vSphere functionality to easily scale up or down VMs from the console
VM Imaging
No mention in the developer guide
Images (akin to AMIs and AKIs) can be created and shared with other cloud users. Existing instances can be saved into an image.
You can clone a virtual machine to a template which can then be used to deploy other virtual machines later
VM Import/Export
No mention in the developer guide
Instances can be imported using raw disk or VHD formats. Exports done manually at hypervisor level. No API support for the operation exists.
You can import and export virtual machines in the OVF and OVA formats
VM live migration
AWS does not support live VM migration and as such we shouldnt expect Snowball Edge to do this
VMs can be live-migrated using CLI / API. In the event of a host failure instances to not automatically restart.
You can perform a live migration of a virtual machine without affecting availability, called a hot migration, using vMotion
VM to host affinity
When deploying a cluster, you can select which nodes an instance runs on
Not supported. Can only be achieved by backend administration using instance migration.
You can create VM to host affinity rules within a DRS cluster
VM to host anti-affinity
When deploying a cluster, you can select which nodes an instance runs on thus also choosing which nodes it does not run on
Not supported. Can only be achieved by backend administration using instance migration.
You can create VM to host anti-affinity rules within a DRS cluster
Cloud virtual networking
The EC2 instances can have virtual network interfaces attached to them which allows them to communicate with each other and outside devices
Overlays a virtual network on top of your existing network. Supports EDGE (EC2 Classic) and VPCMIDO (AWS VPC) modes.
VMware Cloud Foundation bundles NSX Data Center for vSphere which provides a platform programmatically managing software-defined virtual networks
Cross-premises connectivity
The Snowball Edge connects into the datacenter and allows for transfer of data between the datacenter and AWS albeit in a slow snail-mail fashion
Support for AWS VPN Gateway is available but only when using VPCMIDO network mode.
The VCF platform is integrated into the customer datacenter and provides cross-premises connectivity to other customer networks
DNS hostname resolution
No mention in the developer guide
DNS names for VM instances is supported automatically
You can install NSX Edge as an Edge Services Gateway (ESG) between networks which will then allow you to configure external DNS servers. (see details)
DNS zone management
No mention in the developer guide
No mention in the documentation
No mention in documentation. Functionality would need to be built up by the end-user and then VMware components can take advantage of it
IP reassignment
You can delete the virtual network interface attached to an EC2 instance and then create a new virtual network interface for that EC2 instance with a new static IP address
Elastic IP and Elastic Network Interface functionality enables flexible IP address assignment.
You can statically set an VMs IP address from vSphere as well as specify a network protocol which is a pool of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that vCenter will assign to virtual machines
Load balancing
No mention in the developer guide
Elastic Load Balancer is an included service.
You can install NSX Edge as an Edge Services Gateway (ESG) and take advantage of the logical load balancer
Network Interfaces
The device has a set of external network interfaces for connectivity into the customer datacenter (see details)
Elastic Network Interface functionality allows attaching and detaching of virtual NICs to instances
Virtual machines can have a variety of different network adapters added and configured
Outbound Network Connectivity
The device has a set of external network interfaces for connectivity into the customer datacenter (see details)
Can be configured to connect to external networks with both EDGE (EC2 Classic) and VPCMIDO (Amazon VPC) networking modes.
You can connect virtual machines to the physical network
Public IP Address
Can attach a virtual network interface to your EC2 instance and specify a public IP address for use
Public IP addresses can be assigned to instances either automatically or from a pool of Elastic IP addresses.
You can connect virtual machines to the physical network
SR-IOV support
No mention in the developer guide
Can be customized to use SR-IOV for instance networking by advanced configuration only. No official documentation.
There is a specific network adapter type (SR-IOV passthrough) designed to enable and support SR-IOV networking
VM Security Groups
Security groups exist and can be configured for EC2 instances similar to the way they work in AWS with limitations
Instances can be added to a security group which has a specific network security policy applied to it.
Virtual Machines can be added to a security group which has a specific network security policy applied to it
Virtual Network Peering
Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) are not supported in Snowball Edge and thus you cannot make virtual networks to peer
Ability to create a peering connection between two VPCs is supported.
You can set up cross-vCenter deployments as well as implement VPNs to access corporate and other cloud networks securely
Object storage
The Snowball Edge supports S3 (object storage) as its primary purpose is downloading customer data from a remote datacenter which can then later be transferred to S3 in AWS
Supports S3-compatible object storage using its Object Storage Gateway (OSG)
No mention in the documentation
Block storage
Block storage must exist as the Snowball Edge is capable of hosting EC2 instances but end-users have no access to block storage and cannot attach volumes themselves to EC2 instances
Elastic Block Storage (EBS) provides block-level storage volumes that you can attach to instances.
vSphere provides a variety of different storage options and functionalities
Shared file storage
Once connected to the datacenter, the S3 Adapter for Snowball or NFS mount point can be used to upload data from the datacenter into the Snowball Edge
Shared file storage is not supported.
VMWare provides NFS but not SMB storage solutions
By its nature, the device offers data backup for data stored within a datacenter albeit in a slower process
Procedures for backing up and restoring everything except root disks of instance-store (ephemeral) instances are documented.
VCF provides backup and restore capability of components
Local Data Protection
The Snowball Edge employs defense-in-depth for data protection including a ruggedized tamper-reistant enclosure, 256-bit encrpytion, and a TPM
Relies on replication features of underlying software and hardware (RAID and Ceph) for local data protection from hardware failures.
Virtual Volumes support replication capabilities for disaster recovery