On-premises |
Physical Servers are not supported by Zerto IRP.
Physical Servers are not supported by SRM.
Azure Site Recovery (ASR) supports physical (bare metal) Windows servers and Linux servers.
Once a Physical Server has failed over to Azure, it can only be failed back to a VMware VM.
Physical Server Storage Types
Local, SAN (iSCSI/FC)
Local storage is supported.
Host SAN (iSCSI/FC) is supported.
Host NFS is not supported.
Host multipath (MPIO) is supported.
Azure Storage currently does not support:
- OS disk sizes greater than 2TB
- data disk sizes greater than 8TB
UR39 increased data disk size support from 4TB to 8TB.
VMware vSphere/ESXi
Zerto IT Resilience Platform (IRP) 7.5 supports VMware ESXi 5.5 - 6.7U3. VMware ESXi 5.1 is no longer supported.
SRM currently supports VMware ESXi 6.0U3 - 6.7U2.
SRM is supported with any edition of VMware vSphere, except for VMware vSphere Essentials.
ASR currently supports VMware ESXi 5.5 - 6.7U2.
vSphere Storage Types
Virtual Machine Disks (VMDKs) on VMFS, NFS and vSAN datastores can be protected by Zerto, as are Raw Device Mappings (RDMs). Datastores can be either direct attached or served from a SAN/NAS solution.
VVOL is currently not supported by Zerto.
RDM = Raw Device Mapping
VVOL = VMware Virtual Volumes
Array-based: VMFS, NFS, vSAN, RDM
VR: VMFS, NFS, vSAN, VVOL, RDM (partial)
VMware SRM with Array-based replication supports RDM devices in physical compatibility mode (pRDM) and in virtual compatibility mode (vRDM).
VMware SRM with vSphere Replication (VR) supports RDM devices in virtual compatibility mode (vRDM) only, for both the source and target device.
VVOL support is only provided when using VMware SRM with vSphere Replication (VR).
VMware SRM does not support NFS v4.1 datastores.
VMware SRM does not support Array-based replication for VMs of which disks are spanned across multiple storage arrays. SRM can only protect the disks in one storage system; disks located in another storage system will remain unprotected.
Resizing a virtual disk while it is being replicated with VR is not supported. Replication needs to be temporarily stopped to allow resizing both protected and recovery disks. Resizing also requires deletion and reseeding the protected VM. All steps have to be performed manually.
RDM = Raw Device Mapping
VVOL = VMware Virtual Volumes
ASR supports dynamic disks. However, the OS must be on a basic disk.
Resizing a disk on the protected VM is supported.
For every protected disk, data is replicated to a Managed Disk in Azure.
Azure Storage currently does not support:
- OS disk sizes greater than 2TB
- data disk sizes greater than 8TB
UR38 increased data disk size support from 4TB to 8TB. This is applicable only when writing directly to managed disks.
Microsoft Hyper-V
Zerto IRP currently supports Microsoft Hyper-V hosts running Windows Server 2012R2 - 2016
ASR currently supports Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 (including server core installation) running Hyper-V.
ASR does not support Windows Server 2019 running Hyper-V at this time.
Hyper-V Storage Types
Supported: Direct Attached, CSV
Not Supported: Pass-through disks
Virtual Hard Drives (VHD/VHDX) on Direct Attached storage or Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) can be protected by Zerto.
The VHD in a virtual machine can be mapped directly to a physical disk or logical unit number (LUN), instead of to a VHD file. A Hyper-V host with even one pass-through disk is ignored by Zerto Virtual Replication.
SMB 3.0, SAN (iSCSI)
ASR supports Multipath IO (MPIO).
ASR does not support resizing a disk on a replicated Hyper-V VM. Disable replication, make the change, and then reenable replication for the VM.
Azure Storage currently does not support:
- OS disk sizes greater than 2TB
- data disk sizes greater than 4TB
Stretched Storage Support
Zerto IT Resilience Platform (IRP) does not support VMs on stretched storage clusters.
SRM stretched storage cluster support includes VMware vSAN Stretched Clusters.
Stretched storage cluster support is only provided by VMware SRM Enterprise.
Yes (limited)
Stretched clusters cannot be managed by Azure Site Recovery (ASR). However, VMs running on a stretched cluster can be replicated to Azure.
Stretched Network Support
On-premises: L2/L3 and NSX network configurations are supported for the SRM management network and the VM network. NSX support requires VMware SRM Enterprise.
VMware Cloud on AWS: Stretched L2 VPN connections are supported.
On-premises/VMware Cloud on AWS: VMware HCX provides transport, WAN Optimization, Secure VPN and L2 extensibility. Integration with VMware HCX requires separate VMware HCX Enterprise licenses. HCX integration requires VMware SRM Enterprise licensing.
With the combined SRM/HCX solution, DR backup and recovery can leverage the HCX hybrid interconnect to optimize bandwidth and connectivity, secure VMs in transit and stretch networks to simplify IP address management for recovered VMs. HCX accelerates replication processes by eliminating incompatibility issues across networks and storage.
Stretched L2 network configuration is not supported when leveraging Azure as the recovery site. Moving an entire L2 subnet from on-premises to Azure is possible, but involves manual interaction.
Data Center Mobility
Zerto IT Resilience Platform (IRP) provides the 'Move' operation to transfer protected VMs from the Source site to the DR site in a planned migration scenario.
When performing a data center migration, VMware SRM first forces a final sync to get a VM to a state of zero data loss. It waits for this sync to complete before it shuts down the VM on the protected site and powers on the VM at the recovery site.
Yes (Hyper-V)
Azure Site Recovery (ASR) only supports on-prem to on-prem migrations when using Hyper-V as the hypervisor.
Public Cloud |
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Yes (partial)
VMs from either VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V or Microsoft Azure can be protected to an AWS recovery site. AWS can be configured as both a protected site and a recovery site. However, protection of AWS VMs to another AWS site is currently not supported.
Failover to AWS includes the option to configure Reverse Protection during or after Failover, allowing for automated reverse replication and failback from AWS.
Zerto IT Resilience Platform (IRP) is supported for and has been tested in the following AWS Regions:
- US East (North Virginia, Ohio)
- US West (Oregon, North California)
- AWS Gov Cloud (US West)
- Canada (Central)
- South America - East (Sao Paulo)
- EU Central (Frankfurt)
- EU West (Ireland)
- Europe (London)
- Asia Pacific - North East (Seoul, Tokyo)
- Asia Pacifc - South East (Singapore, Sydney)
- Asia Pacific - South (Mumbai)
- China (Bejing)
Native Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently not supported by VMware SRM.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently not supported by Microsoft ASR.
AWS Storage Types
When creating a VPG to AWS the data is stored in S3 and all replicated data from protected VMs to AWS is encrypted in S3. All recovery operations bring up the recovered VMs in EC2.
S3 = Amazon Simple Storage Service
EC2 = Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
VMs from either VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be protected to an Azure recovery site. Azure can be configured as both a protected site and a recovery site. Protection of Azure VMs to another Azure site/region is supported.
Failover to Azure includes the option to configure Reverse Protection during or after Failover, allowing for automated reverse replication and failback from Azure.
Zerto IT Resilience Platform (IRP) is supported for the following Azure Regions:
- Azure Government regions
- Germany (all)
- China
- All other regions
Microsoft Azure is currently not supported by VMware SRM.
Azure Site Recovery (ASR) supports replication and recovery of Azure IaaS VMs between any two regions within the same geographic cluster. Geographic clusters are defined keeping data latency and sovereignty in mind.
Azure Site Recovery (ASR) is available in the following Azure Geographic clusters and regions:
- Central US
- East US, East US 2
- North Central US
- South Central US
- West Central US
- West US, West US 2
- Canada (Central, East)
VMs in Brazil South can be replicated and failed over to these regions: South Central US, West Central US, East US, East US 2, West US, West US 2, and North Central US.
Azure Government
- US DoD (Central, East)
- US Gov (Arizona, Iowa, Texas, Virginia)
- North Europe
- West Europe
- France (Central, South)
- UK (South, West)
- Germany Central
- Germany Northeast
- West India
- Central India
- South India
- East Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Japan East
- Japan West
- Korea Central
- Korea South
- China East, China East 2
- China North, China North 2
- Australia Central, Australia Central 2
- Australia East
- Australia Southeast
- South Africa North
- South Africa West
Middle East
- UAE Central
- UAE North
Azure Storage Types
Supported: Standard and Premium Managed Disk
Unsupported: Blob Storage
Zerto IRP currently only supports General-purpose v1 (GPv1). This is the legacy storage account type for blobs, files, queues, and tables.
Protected virtual disks are recovered in Azure as Virtual Hard Disks (VHD), also known as Azure Managed Disks, which are stored as page blobs.
VPGs can be recovered to either Standard Managed disks and/or Premium Managed disks. However, after live failover VMs that are recovered to Premium Managed disks cannot be protected. A conversion tool must be used to convert them into Standard Storage account VMs for them to be protected.
In addtition the following restrictions apply:
- VMs that have disks larger than 4TB cannot be protected.
- Resizing protected disks on Azure is not supported.
Managed Disk (Standard; Premium), S2, S2D
ASR supports Storage Spaces (S2).
ASR supports Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) for crash consistent recovery points.
ASR supports Scale-out File Server for crash consistent recovery points.
ASR supports LRS, GRS and RA-GRS.
ASR does not support ZRS.
ASR does not support VM disks on Cool and Hot Storage.
The replication data logs with tracked changes first land in a cache storage account in Azure. These logs are processed and the data is stored in an Azure Managed Disk (called as ASR seed disk). The recovery points are created on this disk. Azure Managed Disks are stored as Storage blobs.
UR39 enables support for the latest release of Azure Disk Encryption (Managed Disk, Windows).
UR39 increased data disk size support from 4TB to 8TB.
LRS = Local Redundant Storage
GRS = Geo-Redundant Storage
RA-GRS = Read Access Geo-Redundant Storage
ZRS = Zone Redundant Storage
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is currently not supported by Zerto IRP.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is currently not supported by VMware SRM.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is currently not supported by Microsoft ASR.
GCP Storage Types
VMware Cloud on AWS
VMware Cloud on AWS VCA) is currently not supported by Zerto IRP.
Array-based: No
VR: Yes
VMware has integrated SRM and VR in the VMware Cloud on AWS (VCA) proposition in order to provide Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Enabling SRM/VR in VCA is literally a one-click operation.
VCA can be configured as both a protected site and a recovery site. Protection of VCA VMs to another VCA site is supported.
SRM/VR is available in the following AWS regions:
- US East (North Virginia, Ohio)
- US West (Oregon, North California)
- AWS Gov Cloud (US West)
- Canada (Central)
- EU Central (Frankfurt)
- EU West (Ireland)
- Europe (London, Paris)
- Asia Pacific - South East (Singapore, Sydney)
VMware Cloud on AWS (VCA) is currently not supported by Microsoft ASR.
VCA Storage Types
VMware Cloud on AWS VCA) is currently not supported by Zerto IRP.